Playing the victim gives us a sense of certainty and comfort. We trust what we know. We are staying congruent with our self image
A doctor told me “There’s nothing wrong with you, Liberty. You’re a genius. You’re a brilliant beautiful young woman. I don’t understand why you don’t go out there and do the things you know you’re capable of doing. You’re not sick, you just come here because you like the attention.“
NOBODY ever talked to me like that! THAT WAS TRUTH that I needed to hear---FROM A STRANGER. (Actually he knew me for years and we had many conversations about life, my traumas, my possible goals.) This doctor, along with many of the staff had seen me come in and out of these hospitals for years. Some of them even knew me as a kid.
EVERYBODY knew my potential, EVERYONE saw my greatness--EXCEPT ME! That’s why I’m writing this, THAT is why I make YouTube episodes. THAT is why I DO EVERYTHING I DO! SO YOU can see YOUR greatness WITHOUT WAITING AS LONG AS I DID!
At this point, I had already started recovering from self-amnesia. I quit drinking, drugs, cigarettes, and I shed 250 pounds. I got rid of an abusive 10 year relationship with a guy who beat me and put me down. Once I stopped abusing myself, I stopped allowing others to abuse me also.
What would a warrior do now? I went on a quest for knowledge in healing & wellness. Instead of the “problems” I began to focus on solutions.
I was no longer a victim, no longer just a survivor, I became a VICTOR! ROCKY!
I became the healthiest I've ever been--mind, body and soul. I learned who I am, what my purpose is, and what’s really important to me.
I gave up people pleasing and caring about what others think of me because I wanted to be happy by fulfilling God’s purpose for my life instead! I wanted to use my triumphs of all my traumas to help others heal!
I was living in a hotel room because the Lord liberated me of my home. I went to stay with some people. I was mentally & spiritually abused. I announced on Facebook that I’d be trying to publish an article in the War Cry magazine about how I escaped Domestic Violence & I was threatened (without them even understanding or asking what that meant. They thought it was about them.) They verbally threatened me not to “EVER write about me” & followed up with physical abuse.
TYSM for reading! have you or a loved one been in the mental health system? SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE! Leave a comment (it’s FREE, cheapskate!) You’re worth it! Liberty! xoxox
This is part 3! MAKE SURE YOU READ parts 1, 2 and 4-6!