Would I talk to my boss that way? (no? Why talk to others that way?)
If you wouldn’t do these things to your boss, why do you do them to anybody else in your life?
Asking the question “Would I say the same thing, in the same way, TO MY BOSS-- if I was interested in keeping my job?” BEFORE saying or doing these things in my short (Not all inclusive list)
Will change your relationships-- thus your life-- AND your FINANCES!!
Would I complaIn angrily?
Would I say: “I’m busy. That’s why I’ve been ignoring you for weeks. But now I need (_______whatever you want from them now) (my paycheck), so I’m talking to you again”
Would I --Roll my eyes?
Nag my boss to comply with my demands?
Talk badly behind his or her back?
Mock your boss?
Huff at your boss?
Tease your boss?
Say: “You made me feel bad”
Talk over my boss?
Respond sarcastically?
Be dismissive of my boss's feedback?
Mutter under my breath
Be Openly indifferent?
Say: “I didn’t show up because I forgot”?
“I don’t feel like it”?
“It’s YOUR fault I had a bad day and didn’t get my work done"?
“It’s YOUR fault I was late”?
“It’s YOUR fault I didn't show up to work”?
“I don’t have time to do something that would help you out”?
What other behaviors or phrases would you add?? HELP ME with MY relationships! TYSM! YOU ARE worth it!! YOUR thoughts are VALUABLE TO ME!
I wrote this because I've been abused for a very long time by someone LIKE the way I described above (AND SO MUCH MORE) who claimed to "CARE ABOUT ME/ LOVE ME" . I heard a co-creator, fellow business owner explain this concept on his TV channel as it relates to female and male romantic relationships. It made me want to tell the person who abuses me. but then I realized, they will never read it, listen if I say it on the phone, or simply jump down my throat. YET they CLAIM TO "love me"! I no longer care if they care, don't care, hate me, hate themselves, wouldn't pee on me if I was on fire, or why they do the things they do and don't do the things they don't do. I LIVE ON RESULTS! (Yes I have feelings but won't let POOR people with POOR attitudes MESS MY JOYFUL , GRATEFUL (BILLIONAIRE I WILL BE) attitude up! (SO GRATEFUL I GOT AWAY FROM THEM AND PEOPLE LIKE THEM!)
Watch here: