My $15,000 a month revenue challenge
I want to empower my family in Pennsylvania. My mom, my brother, Will, my niece Ryeleigh, Paris and her dad Zane, my sister, Jenny and my Aunt Kathy who is home recovering from her hospital stay during the holdidays. Love you Kit Kat!
I want to prove to my family that Financial wealth is possible! No matter where you come from, how old you are or what you've been through, you can be a billionaire too!
Together we can create a movement of empowered people who are not only financially free but also deeply fulfilled! We'll have more proof for the world that change is possible! We will build lasting relationships and have the resources to give to those in need!
Like the kids from Operation Underground Railroad! I'm Worth It Inc gives 10% to help kids escape from sex trafficking since I was raped as a child.
I am your Harriet Tubman!
Imagine a life where you're doing what you love AND ALL your time is yours to do what you want with the people you want to be around! The people you love and care about the most and are no longer trapped in jobs that drain their souls!
That's the future that we're creating together!
Let's prove to the world that they too are worthy of wealth, love and a life filled with purpose and abundance! Lots of friends! and if this inspired you, then please share it with your friends, your family, your community, everybody!
Let's spread the message of empowerment and Inspire others to break free from their chains and their limitations! They're worth it! And you MUST do it because success and financial wealth is your right, your duty and your obligation! You are Abraham's Heir!
The world is waiting on you! My name is Liberty V Justice and there is no period in my V because my victories never end and I'm here to help you get your victories, Legend!
Join MY FREE $15k Challenge! https://forms.gle/oRtWTxnmNnZUcxxz9
MY math--how I (or you) can make $15k a month (& praying for money how to and WHY to)
Watch full episode here! (15 minute watch)